Questa settimana è ricca di sorprese la diretta dal centro estivo di Englishland! Continua il viaggio estivo negli Stati Uniti, questa volta ci troviamo alle Hawaii... Questo ci fornisce l'occasione di parlare delle nostre vacanze, di sport e delle olimpiadi di Rio... Proseguono le nostre simpaticissime rubriche dove Luca insegna l'italiano ai nostri teachers e Elionore, Veronica e Marta ci leggono l'oroscopo della settimana. Ma la vera sorpresa sono i nostri ospiti speciali Helena e George con i loro giovanissimi talenti musicali che ci deliziano con alcuni brani... Buon ascolto!
I piccoli musicisti di Englishland ospiti in radio
Piccoli musicisti di Englishland ospiti in radio
englishland choir ospiti in radio
Musical spectaculars at Englishland
Back on the road for our summer long US road trip, we find ourselves in...Hawaii! (We took a boat.) In this state filled with sunny skies, beaches and crystal clear water, we find ourselves thinking of all we can do on our summer holidays. Nicolo tells us all about the merits of swimming as a sport, of his favourite swimmers and the big sporting event he's looking forward to this summer - the Rio Olympics!
While this week sees the return of two long running favourites - Teacher-Student Italian lessons with Luca and horoscopes with Veronica, Elionore and Marta - we also have some new surprises! The biggest surprise should be our special guests Helena and George with their musically talented groups to share some tunes with us. Of course, we still have our resident DJ, as always - DJ Luca with some Katy Perry and a big favourite of the group, Fall Out Boy.
Other show highlights this week have to be Pietro's review of a teachers' favourite - fast food in Padova, Iacapo's original story and Milo's review of classic Sherlock Holmes stories. None of this can be missed!